Szerelmes levél a narancsbőrhöz - a fitnesz modell megmutatja, hogyan fogadd el a tested
Victoria Dariano egész kamaszkorában nem tudott békét kötni a testével: a fenekén lévő narancsbőr minden napját beárnyékolta, sokszor órákon át nézegette a tükörben. Múlt héten azonban úgy döntött, leszámol ezzel a szorongásával, és levelet írt a fenekéhez:
Ezeket láttad már?
"Kedves narancsbőr! Emlékszem az első napra, amikor megjelentél. Mindössze 15 éves voltam. Azóta negatív hatást gyakorolsz az életemre, kevesebbnek érzem magam miattad" - írta Victoria
data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"> A similar post to last week but I am overcoming an insecurity of mine. . Dear Butt Dimple, I remember the first day you appeared. I was 15 years old. Since then you have had a hugely negative impact on my life. Since then you have made me feel less about myself. You not only made me feel fat, but also unworthy. You have always had an impact on what I chose to wear. I would avoid certain bikinis, and even some of my favorite leggings. I would never feel confident in a bikini because I thought everyone was staring at you. I would never wear my favorite leggings because again I always thought people were starting at you. Long shirts were my go-to as it was a way I could cover you up and have a moment of peace within my mind as no one would be judging you. I remember endless hours of looking at you in the mirror, squeezing you and wondering why I had you. I remember crying of embarrassment as other girls I was friends with didn#8217;t have you. I would exercise extra hard in hopes you would go away. I would eat better also in hopes you would go away. I even considered cellulite treatments so you would finally just go away. You never did, you still haven#8217;t. You took a lot of joy away from me, you caused a lot of stress for me, you made me insecure and took away my confidence. I could never feel in shape as you were always there. I am writing you today to tell you I have finally stopped letting you win. You will no longer make me feel unworthy, not good enough or not in shape because of you. I will no longer be afraid to wear certain bathing suits or leggings because of you. I will no longer hide you. You are what you are and I have finally come to peace with that. I have finally accepted you. #10024;when I reflect back on this I realize how stupid it is to have let something this superficial have an impact on my life but it did. I am happy that I have been able to overcome this and I hope if you have a similar struggle you can realize that you too can and will. Don't let things of such insignificance ever take away your happiness. #fuckthedimple #freethebooty #couragetobeyou #10084;#65039; victoriadariano (@victoriadariano) által megosztott bejegyzés, 2017. Máj 21., 09:06 PDT
A lány kifejtette, hogy mindig kellemetlenül érezte magát, ha bikinit vagy leggingst kellett felvennie, mert azt gondolta, a fenekét nézik, és mindenki megveti a narancsbőre miatt. Victoria mindent megtett, hogy megváljon a kellemetlenséget okozó résztől: edzeni jár, egészségesen táplálkozik, és még a cellulitisz kezelést is fontolgatta.
"Rengeteg örömtől megfosztottál engem, stresszeltem miattad, bizonytalan voltam, és elvetted az önbizalmam. Sosem lehetettem formában, mert mindig ott voltál" - folytatta levelében - "Azonban ma azért írok neked, hogy elmondjam, nem győzhetsz többet. Soha többet nem érzem magam rossznak, kevésnek, csúnyának miattad"
data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"> Dis my butt, dis also my butt. The difference? One is posed with a good angle and in good lighting, the other isn't posed and in different lighting. On the left you'd think I have smooth skin and no cellulite. The right you can see that I have some bumps and in fact do have cellulite. . I'm posting this because the other day someone messaged me and said they were having a bad body-image day. She was trying on bikinis and all she could see was cellulite and a muffin-top. Well let me make a few things clear. Almost everyone I know, myself included has some kind of cellulite... change room lighting makes EVERYTHING show on my butt... like the most cellulite. AND if I wear low-rise bikini bottoms I also have a muffin-top! Want to know what all of this makes me? And makes you? A WOMAN. That's is, that's all. Whatever idea you have for yourself and this #34;image#34; you think you need to look like. Throw that shit out. Own those curves, own that cellulite, embrace that beautiful and simply womanly body! victoriadariano (@victoriadariano) által megosztott bejegyzés, 2017. Máj 15., 12:29 PDT
Victoria azt is kifejtette, hogy mostantól bátran visel fürdőruhát is, és nem fogja elrejteni a fenekét, hanem elfogadja azt minden hibájával együtt.
Az Insta-sztár egy fontos mozgalomhoz csatlakozott a levelével, hiszen az utóbbi időben rengeteg testpozitív posztot olvashattunk: lányok, akik felvállalják a striáikat, a sebhelyeiket, a bőrhibáikat, és elfogadják magukat minden tulajdonságukkal együtt. Hajrá, csajok!